Ensuring Success in Both FAA and DGCA Syllabi

Flying training is not like any other college education. Browsing through websites, following the advice of friends and selecting the cheapest training academy is not the best way to start your flying career.

DGCA has a specific syllabus vs FAA Syllabus. If you do not follow even one training session properly DGCA will send you back to complete that one training session before DGCA recognizes your license.

Global Aviation Careers, Inc. is owned and operated by Captain Chandramohan has flown both in India and in USA. He will personally ensure your training is accepted by both FAA and DGCA. He will ensure that you are trained like a professional airline pilot experiencing various instrument approaches and night landing procedures.

Flying an aircraft is a serious profession and you need to have proper guidance all through your training. Call Captain Arcot and schedule yourself for a free seminar and clarify all your doubts.